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Ayurveda and Your Dosha

Written by Maharishi School | March 14, 2018

Ayurveda and Maharishi School

At Maharishi School, we teach a system of wellness, Maharishi Ayurveda, that we believe will benefit our students for the rest of their lives. Ayurveda is an ancient, Eastern system of wellness that aims to keep the body in balance to prevent illness and disruptions to the quality of life. Ayurveda looks at a person holistically - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - to find the source of any imbalance that may arise. Each individual is unique, but everyone tends to fit into a combination of the three doshas, or constitutions. These doshas define both the individual's most balanced and natural state (prakriti) and their current imbalance (vikriti). Understanding these two areas of a person helps identify the ways to return a person back to their individual balanced state from their out of balance state.

The Doshas

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, there are three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vata governs movement. Vata constitutions tend to have a thin build, tend to not gain weight easily, tend to learn quickly then forget easily, tend to be enthusiastic, and vivacious, and to easily become cold. Pitta governs all heat, metabolism, digestion, and transformation in the mind and body. Pitta constitutions tend to have a medium build and balanced weight, a sharp intellect, to be goal-oriented, and to easily become hot. Kapha dosha governs the structure and fluid balance in the body. Kapha constitutions tend to have a larger build, have a tendency for weight gain, are slow to learn but slow to forget, tend to be sweet and even-tempered, and dislike cold and damp weather.

Each person is their own specific blend of all three doshas, but most people have more of two doshas. If you want to find your dosha or imbalance, visit Maharishi Ayurveda Products International's website ( Take the Dosha Quiz and learn more about your constitution and Ayurveda.

Our Students

We provide our students with an in-depth understanding of their dosha and imbalance. In addition, we help give them tools to bring themselves back to balance. Ayurveda is a powerful modality in that it empowers an individual to assess their own imbalance and decide how to address that balance. We want to encourage our students to focus on their whole-body health all of their lives. We believe Ayurveda provides them with tools to do just that.

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Hannah Nichols
Marketing and PR
Maharishi School
Fairfield, IA 52556