Every year a group of Maharishi School teachers and administrators travel to the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) Conference to meet with fellow educators and keep up to date on new teaching strategies, curricular offerings, and developments in child psychology.
Offerings this year include Python Power: Unlocking Mathematical Mysteries Using Coding, The Self-Regulation Classroom: Early Childhood, Lower & Middle School, Being Consciously Inclusive: Beyond Unconscious Bias, Service Learning: Inquiry-based, Collaborative & Multi-Aged, Creating Experiential Science & Math Learning Opportunities, and many other varied and exciting workshops.
ISACS offers this annual conference in Chicago, so participants are leaving Fairfield on Wednesday evening and returning on Saturday so they can attend all the sessions. Please note there will be no classes for the Preschool, Lower, Middle, and Upper School since so many faculty and staff are traveling.
Have fun, everyone—we look forward to hearing about your trip!