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Safety Efforts in Maharishi School

Written by Maharishi School | April 6, 2018
Safety in Our School
At Maharishi School, we take safety very seriously. Our Head of School, Dr. Beall, has been doing some reflecting on our efforts. Here is something he wrote to summarize our safety projects.
Dr. Beall Talks About School Safety
"Here—in my hotel room in Shanghai, China—the young voices rang loud and clear. 
CNN coverage of the March for Our Lives included students’ comments from across the country, urging safer conditions for our schools. 
Hopefully every politician—and school administrator—will do their part to restore our students’ trust that their safety is our highest priority.  
I wanted to update you on the initiatives underway at Maharishi School. To create a single entry system, we are preparing to move the Central Office to the room by the assembly hall door. We will install a large window with visibility of the sidewalk and the parking area. At a designated time each morning, after most students have arrived, we will lock the main entrance (by the international flags) and the Foster Hall entrance. 
To prevent people from simply walking around Foster Hall to the courtyard, we will also install a fence from the northwest corner of Foster to the vastu fence. 
That is just the beginning. We expect to install a video surveillance system and are researching ways to lock the exterior doors more quickly. The Preschool has added some new responses, and we will continue to explore ways to secure that unique area. 
We are working in collaboration with the Co-Directors of MUM Security Beata Nacsa and Rig Gelfand and they are fully supportive of these actions. We would like to invite Fairfield Police and Homeland Security officials onto campus to conduct training sessions for our staff members. 
As I have said before, we never take for granted the trust you invest in us each day when you drop off your children at Maharishi School. We will continue our efforts to enhance our security while sustaining the special feeling of serenity that has always characterized our school. 
Please feel free to send your comments:"

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Hannah Nichols
Marketing and PR
Maharishi School
Fairfield, IA 52556