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What to Expect from Boarding Schools

Written by Maharishi School | March 21, 2018

Parents and students alike have a lot of questions surrounding boarding schools. In general, the questions sound a lot like "Why boarding school?" We get it! What is the difference between boarding school and day school programs? What are the benefits? Why would I choose this for my child? These are all really good questions. Sending your child to school is a decision that has a huge impact on his or her life. Let's see if we can answer some of these questions!

There are many reasons to attend a boarding school from quality academics and extracurricular activities,  solid college preparation, close friendships, real-world learning, and a new inter-cultural experience. Boarding schools open up a whole world of possibility. They allow you to select the best school for your child, regardless of location. Yes, we want to be close to our kids so that is something to add to your boarding school considerations, but boarding schools allow you to send your child to the school that will serve them best. That's awesome!


First, let's talk about teachers. Boarding school tend to have teachers who have real world experience in the field they are teaching. This includes degrees in their field and experience working in their field. This benefits students because it lets them see a subject through the eyes of an actual professional. The teachers choose their profession before the decided to teach about it. That means they already loved that field of study and now get to pass on that passion.


Because there tends to be a lower rate of disciplinary action in boarding schools, teachers are able to focus on actually teaching the students rather than refereeing. This is wonderful! Teachers get to focus on academics and their students' goals rather than making sure each student is behaving properly. Maybe this is because of the smaller class sizes.

Smaller Class Sizes

Boarding and private schools tend to limit the number of students they will accept each year in order to manage class sizes. Because of the smaller class sizes, students get more individualized, quality time with their teachers. Teachers and students are able to build relationships that encourage learning and understanding. When a student has a problem, teachers have more time to address the issue.

The Arts

At boarding schools, expect the arts to be high quality. Boarding and private schools tend to offer a wide range of art options, from performing arts, to pottery, to creative writing class. You will see the art of students proudly displayed in the halls or even in a private art gallery. Boarding and private schools tend to host numerous performing art events as well, which allows student many diverse experiences.

Maharishi School

Boarding and private schools have a lot to offer! While Maharishi School looks a lot like many boarding schools you will come across in your search for the perfect school, we also have some opportunities no one else offers. We offer Consciousness-Based Education, which is a scholarly way to say we care about your child's stress levels. Unlike other boarding and private schools, we don't believe that piling on an excessive amount of work will help your child succeed. Instead, we want to give your child the tools to self-manage, regulate stress, and self-motivate. We center our education around the things YOUR CHILD is passionate about in our Project-Based Learning curriculum, which is a time your child gets to decide what he or she wants to learn next (though we are happy to point them in a direction).

To read more about how Maharishi School prepared students for college and, eventually, the real world and to see where our alumni are now, visit our Alumni Profiles

To learn more about our academics or to contact a member of our admissions staff, click here.

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Hannah Nichols
Marketing and PR
Maharishi School
Fairfield, IA 52556