David Lynch Accepts Co-Chair Position for Maharishi School Five Year Plan

For more than a year our Board of Directors has been busy crafting a new five-year plan.  In collaboration with Maharishi School faculty and staff, they have laid the groundwork to grow and sustain Maharishi School well into the future.David Lynch has accepted a co-chair position for the five year expansion plan of Maharishi School. Maharishi School is a private day and boarding school in the Midwest where students, faculty, and staff practice Transcendental Meditation.

At our annual opening Convocation, we all received some excellent news about the campaign: internationally acclaimed film director David Lynch has agreed to serve as its Co-Chair …starting with his own $50,000 donation!

Parent Juliet Jarmosco captured the excitement and appreciation of David in this video.

Yesterday Mr. Lynch wrote:

Dear Maharishi School Students, Teachers, and Staff, thank you so much for sending that great video!  It thrilled me to my soul! What a great blissful group! I love Maharishi School! Hip Hip Hooray!
Jai Guru Dev, Your Friend, David

David Lynch has practiced Transcendental Meditation, the technique that students, faculty, and staff at Maharishi School all practice, since 1973 and has never missed a session. "Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within," David explains. In addition to his support of Maharishi School, Mr. Lynch launched the David Lynch Foundation in 2005. The foundation raises funds to bring TM teachers to those who need the practice most: veterans with PTSD, students in under-performing schools, women who have escaped abusive relationships, prisoners, and many others around the world who have benefitted from the stress reduction offered by Transcendental Meditation.

We look forward to working with Mr. Lynch over the next five years and look forward to working together to promote Maharishi School, as well as to spread the stress-reducing practice of Transcendental Meditation to everyone who can benefit from it, worldwide, which—let's face it—is just about everybody!

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