The Halls of Maharishi School

The halls of Maharishi School are vibrant, energetic, and teeming with positivity. Daily, both teachers and students alike walk by many different displays of inspiration and artwork. However, each of these displays serves a purpose.

Forbes Powerful WomenInspiration and Artwork

At Maharishi School, we want to encourage students to draw from whatever inspires them. Life requires innovation and creativity. We want to foster those skills in each and every student. However, each student is an individual. What inspires one student won’t inspire the next. With that in mind, we want to display a wide array of visual inspirations. If you were to walk through the halls of Maharishi School, you would see various displays on our walls. Some of these displays include Forbes Power Women, African American Musicians, Powerful Women in History, The Trevor Project posters, and our own students’ artwork.

At Maharishi School, we also use the creativity of our current and former students to spur on our climate of innovation. This is evidenced in our Project-Based Learning curriculum and our extracurricular activities. One activity we are very proud of is our Destination Imagination program.

Destination ImagiNation

Maharishi School won 1st Place at Destination ImagiNation Global Finals in creative problem-solving. Alista Wikle, Philip Winer, Loreena Hansen, Drew Schoenfeld, and Caleb Mullenneaux won the first place at the international level of the Destination Imagination competition, as well as the Da Vinci Award for outstanding creativity. Watch their performance here!

Destination ImagiNation (DI) is the world’s largest creativity and problem-solving competition and inspires participants in its programs to think on their feet, work together and devise original solutions to solve the mind-bending challenges. The students must come up with solutions to the challenges on their own, without adult interference.

To learn more about our academics or to contact a member of our admissions staff, click here.

To learn more about school events and student life, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Hannah Nichols
Marketing and PR
Maharishi School
Fairfield, IA 52556

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