Parent Perspective: Maharishi School Iowa Student-Led Conferences

This year my older daughter, Arwydd, began seventh grade - middle school - I still can't believe it's here!

The learning curve has been steep, and there are a few things she'd rather not have to adapt to, such as a larger homework load, a locker to keep organized, and a longer school day.  I've heard significantly more about the positives, though, which include engaging extra-curriculars like Destination Imagination, supportive teachers, and exciting field trips like the weekend camping trip she took last month with all the Middle and Upper School girls.  She's also discovered a passion for history, which means that she fills me in almost daily on a juicy piece of centuries-old gossip.  "Mom!  Did you know that Henry VIII had six wives? And that he had his second wife convicted of treason and beheaded so he could marry someone else?"  Yowza.

In addition to the discovery of new skills and passions, the middle school experience is helping Arwydd grow by including her in conversations and planning about her own academic progress.  I got a front row seat for this at her first ever Parent-Student-Teacher Conference.

Maharishi School Iowa day student has a student-led conference with her mother and teacher.

Arwydd had a portfolio prepared with work from each subject, and she walked her adviser and teacher Ms. Borg and myself through each item.  I had the opportunity to ask questions and learn what I can do to better support Arwydd, and Ms. Borg kept us on track by asking Arwydd for clarification on her strengths, weaknesses, and goals.

This has definitely been my favorite parent/teacher conference of any I've attended, and although Arwydd was nervous ahead of time, she left beaming.  Overall a great way to get students, teachers, and parents on the same page!

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